Adam Granger, PhD

Research Fellow in Neurobiology (INT), Harvard Medical School
Endogenous Gaq-Coupled Neuromodulator Receptors Activate Protein Kinase A.
Authors: Authors: Chen Y, Granger AJ, Tran T, Saulnier JL, Kirkwood A, Sabatini BL.
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Subunit-specific role for the amino-terminal domain of AMPA receptors in synaptic targeting.
Authors: Authors: Díaz-Alonso J, Sun YJ, Granger AJ, Levy JM, Blankenship SM, Nicoll RA.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Multi-transmitter neurons in the mammalian central nervous system.
Authors: Authors: Granger AJ, Wallace ML, Sabatini BL.
Curr Opin Neurobiol
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Mechanisms and functions of GABA co-release.
Authors: Authors: Tritsch NX, Granger AJ, Sabatini BL.
Nat Rev Neurosci
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Cotransmission of acetylcholine and GABA.
Authors: Authors: Granger AJ, Mulder N, Saunders A, Sabatini BL.
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The LGI1-ADAM22 protein complex directs synapse maturation through regulation of PSD-95 function.
Authors: Authors: Lovero KL, Fukata Y, Granger AJ, Fukata M, Nicoll RA.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Corelease of acetylcholine and GABA from cholinergic forebrain neurons.
Authors: Authors: Saunders A, Granger AJ, Sabatini BL.
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CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knock-down in post-mitotic neurons.
Authors: Authors: Straub C, Granger AJ, Saulnier JL, Sabatini BL.
PLoS One
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LTD expression is independent of glutamate receptor subtype.
Authors: Authors: Granger AJ, Nicoll RA.
Front Synaptic Neurosci
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Expression mechanisms underlying long-term potentiation: a postsynaptic view, 10 years on.
Authors: Authors: Granger AJ, Nicoll RA.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
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