Clifford Woolf, PhD, MB, BCh

Professor of Neurology, Boston Children's Hospital
Diltiazem Promotes Regenerative Axon Growth.
Authors: Authors: Huebner EA, Budel S, Jiang Z, Omura T, Ho TS, Barrett L, Merkel JS, Pereira LM, Andrews NA, Wang X, Singh B, Kapur K, Costigan M, Strittmatter SM, Woolf CJ.
Mol Neurobiol
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Decreased alertness due to sleep loss increases pain sensitivity in mice.
Authors: Authors: Alexandre C, Latremoliere A, Ferreira A, Miracca G, Yamamoto M, Scammell TE, Woolf CJ.
Nat Med
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Lack of motor recovery after prolonged denervation of the neuromuscular junction is not due to regenerative failure.
Authors: Authors: Sakuma M, Gorski G, Sheu SH, Lee S, Barrett LB, Singh B, Omura T, Latremoliere A, Woolf CJ.
Eur J Neurosci
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What to call the amplification of nociceptive signals in the central nervous system that contribute to widespread pain?
Authors: Authors: Woolf CJ.
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Permeation and block of TRPV1 channels by the cationic lidocaine derivative QX-314.
Authors: Authors: Puopolo M, Binshtok AM, Yao GL, Oh SB, Woolf CJ, Bean BP.
J Neurophysiol
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Targeting of sodium channel blockers into nociceptors to produce long-duration analgesia: a systematic study and review.
Authors: Authors: Roberson DP, Binshtok AM, Blasl F, Bean BP, Woolf CJ.
Br J Pharmacol
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Central sensitization: a generator of pain hypersensitivity by central neural plasticity.
Authors: Authors: Latremoliere A, Woolf CJ.
J Pain
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The neuropathic pain triad: neurons, immune cells and glia.
Authors: Authors: Scholz J, Woolf CJ.
Nat Neurosci
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TRPA1 contributes to cold, mechanical, and chemical nociception but is not essential for hair-cell transduction.
Authors: Authors: Kwan KY, Allchorne AJ, Vollrath MA, Christensen AP, Zhang DS, Woolf CJ, Corey DP.
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Localization and action of Dragon (repulsive guidance molecule b), a novel bone morphogenetic protein coreceptor, throughout the reproductive axis.
Authors: Authors: Xia Y, Sidis Y, Mukherjee A, Samad TA, Brenner G, Woolf CJ, Lin HY, Schneyer A.
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