Clifford Woolf, PhD, MB, BCh

Professor of Neurology, Boston Children's Hospital
Permeation and block of TRPV1 channels by the cationic lidocaine derivative QX-314.
Authors: Authors: Puopolo M, Binshtok AM, Yao GL, Oh SB, Woolf CJ, Bean BP.
J Neurophysiol
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Targeting of sodium channel blockers into nociceptors to produce long-duration analgesia: a systematic study and review.
Authors: Authors: Roberson DP, Binshtok AM, Blasl F, Bean BP, Woolf CJ.
Br J Pharmacol
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Central sensitization: a generator of pain hypersensitivity by central neural plasticity.
Authors: Authors: Latremoliere A, Woolf CJ.
J Pain
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The neuropathic pain triad: neurons, immune cells and glia.
Authors: Authors: Scholz J, Woolf CJ.
Nat Neurosci
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TRPA1 contributes to cold, mechanical, and chemical nociception but is not essential for hair-cell transduction.
Authors: Authors: Kwan KY, Allchorne AJ, Vollrath MA, Christensen AP, Zhang DS, Woolf CJ, Corey DP.
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Localization and action of Dragon (repulsive guidance molecule b), a novel bone morphogenetic protein coreceptor, throughout the reproductive axis.
Authors: Authors: Xia Y, Sidis Y, Mukherjee A, Samad TA, Brenner G, Woolf CJ, Lin HY, Schneyer A.
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Use and abuse of opioid analgesics: potential methods to prevent and deter non-medical consumption of prescription opioids.
Authors: Authors: Woolf CJ, Hashmi M.
Curr Opin Investig Drugs
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Progressive tactile hypersensitivity after a peripheral nerve crush: non-noxious mechanical stimulus-induced neuropathic pain.
Authors: Authors: Decosterd I, Allchorne A, Woolf CJ.
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A-fiber sensory input induces neuronal cell death in the dorsal horn of the adult rat spinal cord.
Authors: Authors: Coggeshall RE, Lekan HA, White FA, Woolf CJ.
J Comp Neurol
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Delayed loss of small dorsal root ganglion cells after transection of the rat sciatic nerve.
Authors: Authors: Tandrup T, Woolf CJ, Coggeshall RE.
J Comp Neurol
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