Clifford Woolf, PhD, MB, BCh

Professor of Neurology, Boston Children's Hospital
What is this thing called pain?
Authors: Authors: Woolf CJ.
J Clin Invest
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Transient receptor potential channels: targeting pain at the source.
Authors: Authors: Patapoutian A, Tate S, Woolf CJ.
Nat Rev Drug Discov
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GDNF selectively promotes regeneration of injury-primed sensory neurons in the lesioned spinal cord.
Authors: Authors: Mills CD, Allchorne AJ, Griffin RS, Woolf CJ, Costigan M.
Mol Cell Neurosci
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RNAi blocks DYT1 mutant torsinA inclusions in neurons.
Authors: Authors: Kock N, Allchorne AJ, Sena-Esteves M, Woolf CJ, Breakefield XO.
Neurosci Lett
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Adult neuron survival strategies--slamming on the brakes.
Authors: Authors: Benn SC, Woolf CJ.
Nat Rev Neurosci
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High basal expression and injury-induced down regulation of two regulator of G-protein signaling transcripts, RGS3 and RGS4 in primary sensory neurons.
Authors: Authors: Costigan M, Samad TA, Allchorne A, Lanoue C, Tate S, Woolf CJ.
Mol Cell Neurosci
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Prostanoids and pain: unraveling mechanisms and revealing therapeutic targets.
Authors: Authors: Samad TA, Sapirstein A, Woolf CJ.
Trends Mol Med
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Neuronal plasticity and signal transduction in nociceptive neurons: implications for the initiation and maintenance of pathological pain.
Authors: Authors: Ji RR, Woolf CJ.
Neurobiol Dis
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Silent NMDA receptor-mediated synapses are developmentally regulated in the dorsal horn of the rat spinal cord.
Authors: Authors: Baba H, Doubell TP, Moore KA, Woolf CJ.
J Neurophysiol
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Towards a mechanism-based classification of pain?
Authors: Authors: Woolf CJ, Bennett GJ, Doherty M, Dubner R, Kidd B, Koltzenburg M, Lipton R, Loeser JD, Payne R, Torebjork E.
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