Clifford Woolf, PhD, MB, BCh
Professor of Neurology, Boston Children's Hospital
A functionally characterized test set of human induced pluripotent stem cells.
Authors: Authors: Boulting GL, Kiskinis E, Croft GF, Amoroso MW, Oakley DH, Wainger BJ, Williams DJ, Kahler DJ, Yamaki M, Davidow L, Rodolfa CT, Dimos JT, Mikkilineni S, MacDermott AB, Woolf CJ, Henderson CE, Wichterle H, Eggan K.
Nat Biotechnol
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Nat Biotechnol
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A novel tool for the assessment of pain: validation in low back pain.
Authors: Authors: Scholz J, Mannion RJ, Hord DE, Griffin RS, Rawal B, Zheng H, Scoffings D, Phillips A, Guo J, Laing RJ, Abdi S, Decosterd I, Woolf CJ.
PLoS Med
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PLoS Med
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Nociceptors--noxious stimulus detectors.
Runx1 determines nociceptive sensory neuron phenotype and is required for thermal and neuropathic pain.
Authors: Authors: Chen CL, Broom DC, Liu Y, de Nooij JC, Li Z, Cen C, Samad OA, Jessell TM, Woolf CJ, Ma Q.
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DRAGON, a bone morphogenetic protein co-receptor.
Authors: Authors: Samad TA, Rebbapragada A, Bell E, Zhang Y, Sidis Y, Jeong SJ, Campagna JA, Perusini S, Fabrizio DA, Schneyer AL, Lin HY, Brivanlou AH, Attisano L, Woolf CJ.
J Biol Chem
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J Biol Chem
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Central sensitization and LTP: do pain and memory share similar mechanisms?
p38 MAPK activation by NGF in primary sensory neurons after inflammation increases TRPV1 levels and maintains heat hyperalgesia.
Interleukin-1beta-mediated induction of Cox-2 in the CNS contributes to inflammatory pain hypersensitivity.
Authors: Authors: Samad TA, Moore KA, Sapirstein A, Billet S, Allchorne A, Poole S, Bonventre JV, Woolf CJ.
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Diversity of expression of the sensory neuron-specific TTX-resistant voltage-gated sodium ion channels SNS and SNS2.
Authors: Authors: Amaya F, Decosterd I, Samad TA, Plumpton C, Tate S, Mannion RJ, Costigan M, Woolf CJ.
Mol Cell Neurosci
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Mol Cell Neurosci
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Peripheral inflammation increases the capsaicin sensitivity of dorsal root ganglion neurons in a nerve growth factor-dependent manner.
Authors: Authors: Nicholas RS, Winter J, Wren P, Bergmann R, Woolf CJ.
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