Marc Kirschner, PhD

John Franklin Enders University Professor of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School
The meaning of systems biology.
Authors: Authors: Kirschner MW.
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The roles of APC and Axin derived from experimental and theoretical analysis of the Wnt pathway.
Authors: Authors: Lee E, Salic A, Krüger R, Heinrich R, Kirschner MW.
PLoS Biol
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Cyclin B and E2F-1 expression in prostate carcinoma cells treated with the novel retinoid CD437 are regulated by the ubiquitin-mediated pathway.
Authors: Authors: Farhana L, Dawson M, Rishi AK, Zhang Y, Van Buren E, Trivedi C, Reichert U, Fang G, Kirschner MW, Fontana JA.
Cancer Res
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Two tandem verprolin homology domains are necessary for a strong activation of Arp2/3 complex-induced actin polymerization and induction of microspike formation by N-WASP.
Authors: Authors: Yamaguchi H, Miki H, Suetsugu S, Ma L, Kirschner MW, Takenawa T.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Identification of a new uracil-DNA glycosylase family by expression cloning using synthetic inhibitors.
Authors: Authors: Haushalter KA, Todd Stukenberg MW, Kirschner MW, Verdine GL.
Curr Biol
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Sizzled: a secreted Xwnt8 antagonist expressed in the ventral marginal zone of Xenopus embryos.
Authors: Authors: Salic AN, Kroll KL, Evans LM, Kirschner MW.
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Mutagenic analysis of the destruction signal of mitotic cyclins and structural characterization of ubiquitinated intermediates.
Authors: Authors: King RW, Glotzer M, Kirschner MW.
Mol Biol Cell
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Mitosis in transition.
Authors: Authors: King RW, Jackson PK, Kirschner MW.
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Microtubule behavior during guidance of pioneer neuron growth cones in situ.
Authors: Authors: Sabry JH, O'Connor TP, Evans L, Toroian-Raymond A, Kirschner M, Bentley D.
J Cell Biol
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The role of cyclin synthesis and degradation in the control of maturation promoting factor activity.
Authors: Authors: Murray AW, Solomon MJ, Kirschner MW.
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