Michael Springer, PhD

Associate Professor of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School
BioNumbers--the database of key numbers in molecular and cell biology.
Authors: Authors: Milo R, Jorgensen P, Moran U, Weber G, Springer M.
Nucleic Acids Res
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No current evidence for widespread dosage compensation in S. cerevisiae.
Authors: Authors: Torres EM, Springer M, Amon A.
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FLEXIQuant: a novel tool for the absolute quantification of proteins, and the simultaneous identification and quantification of potentially modified peptides.
Authors: Authors: Singh S, Springer M, Steen J, Kirschner MW, Steen H.
J Proteome Res
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Accurate concentration control of mitochondria and nucleoids.
Authors: Authors: Jajoo R, Jung Y, Huh D, Viana MP, Rafelski SM, Springer M, Paulsson J.
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Genetic redundancy: new tricks for old genes.
Authors: Authors: Kafri R, Springer M, Pilpel Y.
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Competitive inhibition can linearize dose-response and generate a linear rectifier.
Authors: Authors: Savir Y, Tu BP, Springer M.
Cell Syst
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Different phosphorylation states of the anaphase promoting complex in response to antimitotic drugs: a quantitative proteomic analysis.
Authors: Authors: Steen JA, Steen H, Georgi A, Parker K, Springer M, Kirchner M, Hamprecht F, Kirschner MW.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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The quantitative methods boot camp: teaching quantitative thinking and computing skills to graduate students in the life sciences.
Authors: Authors: Stefan MI, Gutlerner JL, Born RT, Springer M.
PLoS Comput Biol
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The signal sequence coding region promotes nuclear export of mRNA.
Authors: Authors: Palazzo AF, Springer M, Shibata Y, Lee CS, Dias AP, Rapoport TA.
PLoS Biol
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