Radoslaw Nowak, Ph.D.

Research Associate in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Studies on the Interaction of the Histone Demethylase KDM5B with Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Intermediates.
Authors: Authors: Tarhonskaya H, Nowak RP, Johansson C, Szykowska A, Tumber A, Hancock RL, Lang P, Flashman E, Oppermann U, Schofield CJ, Kawamura A.
J Mol Biol
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A multi-crystal method for extracting obscured crystallographic states from conventionally uninterpretable electron density.
Authors: Authors: Pearce NM, Krojer T, Bradley AR, Collins P, Nowak RP, Talon R, Marsden BD, Kelm S, Shi J, Deane CM, von Delft F.
Nat Commun
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Potent and Selective KDM5 Inhibitor Stops Cellular Demethylation of H3K4me3 at Transcription Start Sites and Proliferation of MM1S Myeloma Cells.
Authors: Authors: Tumber A, Nuzzi A, Hookway ES, Hatch SB, Velupillai S, Johansson C, Kawamura A, Savitsky P, Yapp C, Szykowska A, Wu N, Bountra C, Strain-Damerell C, Burgess-Brown NA, Ruda GF, Fedorov O, Munro S, England KS, Nowak RP, Schofield CJ, La Thangue NB, Pawlyn C, Davies F, Morgan G, Athanasou N, Müller S, Oppermann U, Brennan PE.
Cell Chem Biol
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Advances and challenges in understanding histone demethylase biology.
Authors: Authors: Nowak RP, Tumber A, Johansson C, Che KH, Brennan P, Owen D, Oppermann U.
Curr Opin Chem Biol
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Structural analysis of human KDM5B guides histone demethylase inhibitor development.
Authors: Authors: Johansson C, Velupillai S, Tumber A, Szykowska A, Hookway ES, Nowak RP, Strain-Damerell C, Gileadi C, Philpott M, Burgess-Brown N, Wu N, Kopec J, Nuzzi A, Steuber H, Egner U, Badock V, Munro S, LaThangue NB, Westaway S, Brown J, Athanasou N, Prinjha R, Brennan PE, Oppermann U.
Nat Chem Biol
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A generic protocol for protein crystal dehydration using the HC1b humidity controller.
Authors: Authors: Lobley CM, Sandy J, Sanchez-Weatherby J, Mazzorana M, Krojer T, Nowak RP, Sorensen TL.
Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol
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Docking and Linking of Fragments To Discover Jumonji Histone Demethylase Inhibitors.
Authors: Authors: Korczynska M, Le DD, Younger N, Gregori-Puigjané E, Tumber A, Krojer T, Velupillai S, Gileadi C, Nowak RP, Iwasa E, Pollock SB, Ortiz Torres I, Oppermann U, Shoichet BK, Fujimori DG.
J Med Chem
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An integrated approach to quantitative modelling in angiogenesis research.
Authors: Authors: Connor AJ, Nowak RP, Lorenzon E, Thomas M, Herting F, Hoert S, Quaiser T, Shochat E, Pitt-Francis J, Cooper J, Maini PK, Byrne HM.
J R Soc Interface
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Small molecule degraders of the hepatitis C virus protease reduce susceptibility to resistance mutations.
Authors: Authors: de Wispelaere M, Du G, Donovan KA, Zhang T, Eleuteri NA, Yuan JC, Kalabathula J, Nowak RP, Fischer ES, Gray NS, Yang PL.
Nat Commun
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Selective Inhibitors of a Human Prolyl Hydroxylase (OGFOD1) Involved in Ribosomal Decoding.
Authors: Authors: Thinnes CC, Lohans CT, Abboud MI, Yeh TL, Tumber A, Nowak RP, Attwood M, Cockman ME, Oppermann U, Loenarz C, Schofield CJ.
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