Clifford Woolf, PhD, MB, BCh

Professor of Neurology, Boston Children's Hospital
Morphine, the NMDA receptor antagonist MK801 and the tachykinin NK1 receptor antagonist RP67580 attenuate the development of inflammation-induced progressive tactile hypersensitivity.
Authors: Authors: Ma QP, Allchorne AJ, Woolf CJ.
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Intrinsic versus extrinsic factors in determining the regeneration of the central processes of rat dorsal root ganglion neurons: the influence of a peripheral nerve graft.
Authors: Authors: Chong MS, Woolf CJ, Turmaine M, Emson PC, Anderson PN.
J Comp Neurol
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ALS-implicated protein TDP-43 sustains levels of STMN2, a mediator of motor neuron growth and repair.
Authors: Authors: Klim JR, Williams LA, Limone F, Guerra San Juan I, Davis-Dusenbery BN, Mordes DA, Burberry A, Steinbaugh MJ, Gamage KK, Kirchner R, Moccia R, Cassel SH, Chen K, Wainger BJ, Woolf CJ, Eggan K.
Nat Neurosci
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Crosstalk between KCNK3-Mediated Ion Current and Adrenergic Signaling Regulates Adipose Thermogenesis and Obesity.
Authors: Authors: Chen Y, Zeng X, Huang X, Serag S, Woolf CJ, Spiegelman BM.
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Neuroimmunity: Physiology and Pathology.
Authors: Authors: Talbot S, Foster SL, Woolf CJ.
Annu Rev Immunol
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Transcriptional profiling at whole population and single cell levels reveals somatosensory neuron molecular diversity.
Authors: Authors: Chiu IM, Barrett LB, Williams EK, Strochlic DE, Lee S, Weyer AD, Lou S, Bryman GS, Roberson DP, Ghasemlou N, Piccoli C, Ahat E, Wang V, Cobos EJ, Stucky CL, Ma Q, Liberles SD, Woolf CJ.
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A small molecule screen in stem-cell-derived motor neurons identifies a kinase inhibitor as a candidate therapeutic for ALS.
Authors: Authors: Yang YM, Gupta SK, Kim KJ, Powers BE, Cerqueira A, Wainger BJ, Ngo HD, Rosowski KA, Schein PA, Ackeifi CA, Arvanites AC, Davidow LS, Woolf CJ, Rubin LL.
Cell Stem Cell
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The BMP coreceptor RGMb promotes while the endogenous BMP antagonist noggin reduces neurite outgrowth and peripheral nerve regeneration by modulating BMP signaling.
Authors: Authors: Ma CH, Brenner GJ, Omura T, Samad OA, Costigan M, Inquimbert P, Niederkofler V, Salie R, Sun CC, Lin HY, Arber S, Coppola G, Woolf CJ, Samad TA.
J Neurosci
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Selectively targeting pain in the trigeminal system.
Authors: Authors: Kim HY, Kim K, Li HY, Chung G, Park CK, Kim JS, Jung SJ, Lee MK, Ahn DK, Hwang SJ, Kang Y, Binshtok AM, Bean BP, Woolf CJ, Oh SB.
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Bradykinin enhances AMPA and NMDA receptor activity in spinal cord dorsal horn neurons by activating multiple kinases to produce pain hypersensitivity.
Authors: Authors: Kohno T, Wang H, Amaya F, Brenner GJ, Cheng JK, Ji RR, Woolf CJ.
J Neurosci
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