David Knipe, PhD

Higgins Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Harvard Medical School
Immunization of BLT Humanized Mice Redirects T Cell Responses to Gag and Reduces Acute HIV-1 Viremia.
Authors: Authors: Claiborne DT, Dudek TE, Maldini CR, Power KA, Ghebremichael M, Seung E, Mellors EF, Vrbanac VD, Krupp K, Bisesi A, Tager AM, Knipe DM, Boutwell CL, Allen TM.
J Virol
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Innate Immune Mechanisms and Herpes Simplex Virus Infection and Disease.
Authors: Authors: Kurt-Jones EA, Orzalli MH, Knipe DM.
Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol
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Proteomic analysis of the herpes simplex virus 1 virion protein 16 transactivator protein in infected cells.
Authors: Authors: Suk H, Knipe DM.
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Kinetics of facultative heterochromatin and polycomb group protein association with the herpes simplex viral genome during establishment of latent infection.
Authors: Authors: Cliffe AR, Coen DM, Knipe DM.
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Herpes simplex virus immediate-early ICP0 protein inhibits Toll-like receptor 2-dependent inflammatory responses and NF-kappaB signaling.
Authors: Authors: van Lint AL, Murawski MR, Goodbody RE, Severa M, Fitzgerald KA, Finberg RW, Knipe DM, Kurt-Jones EA.
J Virol
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Role for A-type lamins in herpesviral DNA targeting and heterochromatin modulation.
Authors: Authors: Silva L, Cliffe A, Chang L, Knipe DM.
PLoS Pathog
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An siRNA-based microbicide protects mice from lethal herpes simplex virus 2 infection.
Authors: Authors: Palliser D, Chowdhury D, Wang QY, Lee SJ, Bronson RT, Knipe DM, Lieberman J.
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Myeloid C3 determines induction of humoral responses to peripheral herpes simplex virus infection.
Authors: Authors: Verschoor A, Brockman MA, Gadjeva M, Knipe DM, Carroll MC.
J Immunol
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Herpes simplex virus.
Authors: Authors: Taylor TJ, Brockman MA, McNamee EE, Knipe DM.
Front Biosci
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Immunization against genital herpes with a vaccine virus that has defects in productive and latent infection.
Authors: Authors: Da Costa XJ, Jones CA, Knipe DM.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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