Marc Kirschner, PhD

John Franklin Enders University Professor of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School
The genome of the giant Nomura's jellyfish sheds light on the early evolution of active predation.
Authors: Authors: Kim HM, Weber JA, Lee N, Park SG, Cho YS, Bhak Y, Lee N, Jeon Y, Jeon S, Luria V, Karger A, Kirschner MW, Jo YJ, Woo S, Shin K, Chung O, Ryu JC, Yim HS, Lee JH, Edwards JS, Manica A, Bhak J, Yum S.
BMC Biol
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The Gonium pectorale genome demonstrates co-option of cell cycle regulation during the evolution of multicellularity.
Authors: Authors: Hanschen ER, Marriage TN, Ferris PJ, Hamaji T, Toyoda A, Fujiyama A, Neme R, Noguchi H, Minakuchi Y, Suzuki M, Kawai-Toyooka H, Smith DR, Sparks H, Anderson J, Bakaric R, Luria V, Karger A, Kirschner MW, Durand PM, Michod RE, Nozaki H, Olson BJ.
Nat Commun
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The master cell cycle regulator APC-Cdc20 regulates ciliary length and disassembly of the primary cilium.
Authors: Authors: Wang W, Wu T, Kirschner MW.
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Profiling of ubiquitin-like modifications reveals features of mitotic control.
Authors: Authors: Merbl Y, Refour P, Patel H, Springer M, Kirschner MW.
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Remodeling of the metabolome during early frog development.
Authors: Authors: Vastag L, Jorgensen P, Peshkin L, Wei R, Rabinowitz JD, Kirschner MW.
PLoS One
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Activation of the WAVE complex by coincident signals controls actin assembly.
Authors: Authors: Lebensohn AM, Kirschner MW.
Mol Cell
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Ubiquitination by the anaphase-promoting complex drives spindle checkpoint inactivation.
Authors: Authors: Reddy SK, Rape M, Margansky WA, Kirschner MW.
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Sororin, a substrate of the anaphase-promoting complex, is required for sister chromatid cohesion in vertebrates.
Authors: Authors: Rankin S, Ayad NG, Kirschner MW.
Mol Cell
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Anteroposterior patterning in hemichordates and the origins of the chordate nervous system.
Authors: Authors: Lowe CJ, Wu M, Salic A, Evans L, Lander E, Stange-Thomann N, Gruber CE, Gerhart J, Kirschner M.
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Timing of events in mitosis.
Authors: Authors: Georgi AB, Stukenberg PT, Kirschner MW.
Curr Biol
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